Gateway to Germany Navigating the APS Process for Indian Students with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD


• 27 / 02 / 2019

Gateway to Germany Navigating the APS Process for Indian Students with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD


If Indian students are interested in studying in Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service, or DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), frequently provides guidance along the way. The APS (Akademische Prüfstelle) procedure is a vital step in making sure that Indian credentials meet German academic standards, and it is one of the most important parts of the journey. We break down the APS procedure's complexities in this blog, along with how DAAD is essential in helping Indian students pass through this entry point into Germany.

Getting to Know the APS Process:

1. Academic Evaluation as a Bridge to German Universities: The purpose of the APS process is to determine whether Indian educational credentials meet German university requirements. It guarantees that pupils have the academic preparation required to pursue higher education in Germany.

Required for Some Degrees: APS is required for students wishing to enroll in certain programs, particularly in the natural sciences, engineering, and related fields. For individuals with qualifications from nations that do not automatically qualify for direct admission, it is a necessary step.

2. The APS Process and DAAD's Role:

Working together with DAAD: To ensure a smooth process for students, the German Academic Exchange Service works closely with the APS offices in India. DAAD serves as a compass, offering guidance, materials, and assistance in navigating the complexities of academic assessment.

Workshops and Information Sessions: To familiarize Indian students with the APS procedure, DAAD hosts workshops and information sessions. These workshops ensure that applicants are well-prepared by providing insights into the necessary documentation, steps, and requirements.

Getting Around the APS Process:

1. Documentation and Preparation:

Recognizing the Needs: Indian students receive assistance from DAAD in comprehending the particular prerequisites of the APS procedure. This covers submitting certifications, academic transcripts, and any other supporting materials required for the assessment.

Efficient Preparation: By planning and preparing their documents well in advance, students can prevent delays in the evaluation process with the help of DAAD. In order to meet German university application deadlines, timely submission is essential.

2. Information Verification: Document Authentication: German authorities authenticate academic documents as part of the APS process. Students can make sure their documentation satisfies the requirements by using DAAD, which clarifies which documents need to be authenticated.

Timelines for Verification: It's Important to Know When Document Verification Is Happening. Students can arrange their application submissions to German universities in accordance with the anticipated processing times as disclosed by DAAD.

3. Handling Cultural Disparities: Cultural Adaptation Sessions: DAAD acknowledges the significance of cultural preparation in addition to paperwork. To assist Indian students in comprehending and navigating any cultural differences they may encounter in Germany, workshops and sessions are arranged.

Assistance with Integration: DAAD provides advice on both the social and academic facets of living in Germany, facilitating students' seamless transition into the country's university system. This help goes above and beyond the APS procedure to guarantee a comprehensive changeover.

Testimonials and Success Stories:

1. Tales from DAAD Alumni:

Sharing Achievement Accounts: Alumni of DAAD who have completed the APS process satisfactorily frequently talk about their experiences. For prospective students, these testimonies offer insightful information along with helpful advice and motivation.

Creating a Network: Indian students studying in Germany can benefit greatly from the DAAD alumni network. It provides a forum for mentorship, networking, and experience sharing, fostering a community of support.

Procedures for Applications and Due Dates:

1. Advice for Applying to Universities:

Selection of Universities: Based on their academic background and professional aspirations, DAAD helps Indian students choose appropriate universities. This guidance guarantees that students make well-informed decisions that are consistent with their goals.

Application Deadlines: It's important to be aware of the deadlines for APS applications as well as university admissions. Students can efficiently schedule their application timelines with the help of the DAAD, which provides information on these deadlines.

2. Admission Assistance: Encouraging Admission: By giving information on German universities' acceptance of APS certificates, DAAD encourages admission. This guarantees that Indian students can continue their academic journey with successfully evaluated qualifications.

Supporting Enquiries: The DAAD helps students with any questions or concerns they may have about the APS procedure. Students can confidently navigate the complexities with the help of this ongoing support.


The partnership between DAAD and the APS process serves as a beacon for Indian students aspiring to study in German universities, helping them navigate the complexities of academic evaluation. In addition to paperwork, DAAD supports Indian students studying in Germany through networking, cultural integration, and community building. With DAAD's help, the APS process in the center of Europe becomes more than just a doorway—rather, it's a cooperative journey toward academic excellence and international opportunities.


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